middlesexoms.com Review:

Middlesex NJ Oral Surgery | Michael Goulston, DMD, MD - Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Implant Specialists of Middlesex is committed to providing you and your family the best care available with the latest technology, in a private and relaxed environment.

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City: -117.0931 California, United States

  • Amar - The best remover on the market

    This will safely remove just about any residue on any surface. Used it to take off some left over adhesive when I had the window tinting removed. Used goof off for over an hour with little success. This stuff worked on the first try in seconds.

  • R. Crain - Great product for anyone who has a septic system.

    I have used this product for years and have never had a problem with the septic system, so it must be doing its job. There is an old saying "you can pay me now or you can pay me more later", This is a proactive way to prevent expensive pumping of your septic tank and this is also a great value.

  • D. R. M. - Miss the old vers

    Like any new version of very familiar software, this newer Word/Mac requires getting used to. Some things are not the way I would like them. But so far I'm getting it to do what needs doing. Not blown away, but not annoyed. P.S. Six or seven months after purchase, this vers of Word is still functioning. But I've gotta say, it keeps throwing up little bugs with regularity. For example, recently the search function just stopped working. Had to close the doc and reopen. Other weird little bugs, too. Nothing deal killing, but annoying. The prior vers I had was rock solid and did what I needed, but would not work with the new OS on my Mac. That this vers is still funky after being out for 5 years is inexcusable.

  • Suzanne Jones - The best

    I have been buying this product for sometime now. It helps the digestive track and releases all toxins. Recommended dose is 1x daily. I use it 2x daily and its fine.