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  • Robwinn - Good quality and fit well

    Fit really well on my 2015 Prius 2. It only took me about an hour to installed them without taking the tires off. Easy process. Good quality.

  • Tina - Awesome product!

    My friend recommended me this product, and let me tell you, this is the best purchase I made!!!! I've tried many dandruff shampoo, but this by far gave me the best results. I use this shampoo once a week and now my dandruff is all gone!!!!:):)Its a little pricey but I think its worth it. I would definitely buy again.

  • M Peters - I have used this book for years.

    I buy each edition every year and find new ways to save on my taxes. Great ideas, great book, and I have naver had an audit.

  • Taylor Campbell - Works Great, Will Use Again

    Used this in the garage and outside the house. Found lots of spiders and other critters dead after use and very little new critters this fall to deal with. Will be using this again this year

  • Sakediddy - Was miserable for 3 1/2 months with GERD

    I have been through it all...Athletic 34 year old 6'3 180...competitive cyclist/triathloner....Could not understand why all the sudden I have acid indegestion and major heartburn after drinking even water. Tried to just live with it for 2 months. Woke up every morning with this weird acidic feeling in my stomach. Ended up in the hospital, thought I was having a heart attack one night. Went to GI doctor, did endoscopy found nothing. Said probably irritable bowl syndrome. I basically got to the point of a month of eating toast, bananas, white rice, nothing but water. I am serious, I did nothing but bland stuff and it didn't matter. So, I tried Prilosec for 28 days straight, and ate about 50% of what I used to eat (tacos, spicy food, milkshake here and there, and felt a little better, probably because I was enjoying my food again... but still felt constipated. Stopped Prilosec (after 28 days) completely and did a Zantac 150 if I couldn't take the bloating/hurt feeling. Looked online for help, someone said try Zypan digestive enzymes and another said Manuka Honey. I bought them both from Amazon and decided to try the honey first to see how it did. Well, I have been taking a Table spoon on a half piece of white bread before breakfast and an hour before bed for about 5 days now and I feel 90% better. I am having more frequent movements also, so I assume that the honey is healing intestines as well as stomach lining. This past weekend, my wife and I shared a cheesesteak stromboli with marinara sauce, etc. for dinner. Before bed, I did the tablespoon of honey and was fine all night and the next morning. If you are suffering, give it a shot, I'm super glad I did. I hope to get to the point, where I just do it once in the morning. No clue how it works, or if I'm just healing slowly on my own? But, I really don't care as I feel better. Good luck, I have not even bothered to try the digestive enzymes, because this honey is doing something for me!

  • TC Sailor - Not as usable as the early versions.

    I remember using the original version and it's first few successors, and they were useful. It's been a while since I used Quicken, so I bought the download version of Quicken Deluxe 2011 via Amazon. The download and install went fine, no issues. The setup was pretty much like I remember doing with the old versions, but it had a few new features added like auto downloads from accounts. Even that part went OK, and Quicken already had my credit union information (along with that of most major banks and credit unions).

  • Sandra - Love this stuff.

    Keeps my toes & nails soft & easy to trim. I don't have nail fungus, just like the softening effect of this. It's better then any moisturizing lotion/cream I've ever used. Yes it's a bit pricey, but lasts a longtime.